Wednesday, January 24, 2007

"My Website, My Self"

Author Meghan Daum uses this article to explain her purpose in creating this website. She discuses the apprehensions she held in the design process, "if I were a wallpaper pattern, what kind would I be," as well as in the use of her website. It "is a necessary evil," she says, explaining "it is no longer enough for us to present our work; we must now tell people how to read, see, or hear it." In the end Daum offers two witty lessons that designing a web page has taught her; "if I were a wallpaper pattern it would probably not be the patter you see on my site... [and] sometimes you just have to live with the wallpaper you have." More than the actual learning of life lessons, I think Meghan used this format to give light to how people should look at her (and likewise any personal) website. Her real lesson was that her website won't and can't be a tell all end all, and as a writer she used her skills to make the reader take the same lesson away. Although she was a bit deceiving, I appreciate the advice, especially as I prepare to create a website for myself, for which I have admittedly less direction than Ms. Daum. Her article has cued me into not only what I should accomplish with my web page, but also what I should be weary of accomplishing.

Daum, Meghan. "Meghan Daum, Author." 27 July 2004. 24 Jan. 2007. -

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